That command checks to see whether the local machine has the 2018-12 Cumulative Update for Windows 10 (1809) installed, but you can substitute in other KB article IDs, or even drop that parameter to get a list of all the updates that have been installed. Once it's installed, you can query the status of the local machine with commands like: Get-WindowsUpdate -KBArticleID KB4483235 -IsInstalled

I've been looking at automating the patching of some servers that aren't domain joined, and one of the tools that I've spotted that may come in handy is the PSWindowsUpdate module. I started casually applying around as there is little room for position growth here. I ended up getting a job offer at a small MSP, they are around 10 or so techs, and t.Sunday, Decempowershell, windows, windows update What are your opinions on this job opportunity? IT & Tech CareersĬurrently, work at a small-medium business as an internal IT jr system administrator.Is this because the laptop needs this account to g.

Some of them are reporting that the password on the laptop differs from the domain password. I have staff that also have laptops that they log in remotely from. I have a domain that i set up all users on.