
Vcds osx
Vcds osx

The configuration as explained above obviously does not allow for this situation since during deployment of vApp you can only select a single VDC to deploy too as well for adding a VM you can only specify a single storage Policy, which will also be the one assigned to vApp’s VDC. The users where now able to deploy MAC OS templates to this VDC, however a request came back quickly that users need to deploy both MAC OS X and Windows VM within the same vApp. This created new resource pool in the cluster. Within the existing Organizations we created an additional virtual datacenter with MAC provider VDC selected. In vCloud director a new Provider VDC was created and linked to the new vCenter server cluster. MAC OS X templates was created and added to catalog with storage set to pre-provision on default storage profile create for MAC cluster. Also created a separate storage cluster and assigned a new MAC storage profile to this cluster which was made available within vCD.

vcds osx

This was configured in a separate cluster in vCenter server which provides all the regular capabilities like HA, DRS and vMotion which is great. Recently we installed in Mac Pro 6,1 hardware and provided MAC OS X virtual machines to our vCloud director environment.

Vcds osx